Thursday, August 16, 2012

Melk or Juice?

Once again another major league baseball player has tested positive for steroids. This one a career .270's hitter hitting .346 and leading mlb in hits. I had been holding out hope that this was just a younger player finally getting into his "zone" or "prime", but instead was just smacked in the face again with steroids. Ever time I think there might actually be a good story in baseball, it ends up being a sham. Its a shame that no young player turning their career around will ever be looked at the same, but they are the ones that have made the fans doubt. I feel like we as a populous want to believe, but how many times can we be lied to before we just give up hope and turn bitter and jaded. Though steroid use seems to be down, they still have created two of the biggest issues over the last two seasons,the reigning NL MVP Ryan Braun and this years All-Star MVP both being caught with increased testosterone levels. It is a shame whenever something like this happens, but especially today as the news seemed to steal some of the thunder of Felix Hernandez's perfect game for Seattle. The pitchers are winning the battles this season, but steroids always win the headline war.

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