Monday, September 17, 2012

Replace the Replacements

I find this whole situation very conflicting. On the one had I have seen two straight weeks of some of the worst calls or no calls in my time watching the NFL. On the other hand I don't know if NFL referees really need to get paid much more than the $100,000+ they make a season, or a better pension plan. Being a 20 something college graduate making crappy money working two jobs, I can't say that I support the refs cries of being screwed. Yet the inability of these replacements to make calls is ruining the game. The Ravens/Eagles game was a collection of blunders. During a catch made by Hakeem Nicks of the Giants, the CB had his hand not only on his jersey but almost wrapped in it, no call was made....thankfully (I am a Giants fan) Nicks made the catch. So far the calls and no calls haven't changed the outcome of a game directly but you would have to believe that sooner or later it has to. Even professional refs make mistakes, its bound to happen, humans err its nature. Believe me when I tell you that I have yelled at the professional refs (actually my TV) as much as any other fan, but so far these replacement refs go to should us once again, you don't know what you have till its gone.

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